Music Fights Fraud Alliance
Our Mission To Eradicate Fraud
Music Fights Fraud is a global task force aimed at eradicating streaming fraud. We represent, for the first time, all corners of the music industry aligning as a united front to combat fraud in music streaming. Our mission is to ensure that the global music streaming market is fair and that all members actively contribute to solutions intended to balance the equity of its operations. As an alliance, our members hope to detect, prevent, mitigate, and enforce anti-fraud measures, thereby moving closer to an industry where fraud has no place.
Our Members

Our Partnership with the NCFTA
Our members provide greater cross-platform collaboration and data sharing in coordination with a third party, the National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA), a nonprofit partnership between private organizations, government, and academia. The NCFTA’s mission is to provide a neutral, trusted environment enabling multi-party collaboration to identify, mitigate, and disrupt cyber crime. For more information please visit
Streaming Fraud - A Global Problem
It has been estimated that across the music industry, streaming abuse could account for hundreds of millions of dollars lost each year. 1 Streaming abuse, encompassing bots, streaming click farms, and imposters, impacts all artists - both self-released and those signed to labels. It affects the music industry by diluting the royalty pool, reducing revenue for legitimate streams, and slowing the approval and release process for creators.
1Billboard: Why Can’t Music Fix Its Fake Streams Problem
How to Join
Music Fights Fraud is a self-governing association with future membership subject to approval by its members. Parties interested in joining should complete the form below.